Int'l Scientific Congress of Homeopathy in Skoura (Morocco) May 30th, 31th and June 1st 2025


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Ten years ago, in 2015, the first international congress of homeopathy was held in Skoura, with the support of HSF-France, the originality being to bring together the animal and plant kingdom,

10 years after we reissue this event, It will be the second international congress of homeopathy in Skoura knowing that meanwhile many Moroccans have adopted this medicine which has its place in the future to answer the increasingly complex health problems and in a degraded economic context. It will be an international recognition for their know-how.

Homeopathic medicine allows to treat soils and crops respecting the ecosystem. Homepathy users see efficiency, safety an cost effectiveness in the field, and they deserve additional means to prove it scientifically. .

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Association pour la Promotion de la Médecine Homéopathique
80 rue Inkerman 69006 Lyon - Tel : 06 89 28 33 20 - courriel : apmh.asso@orange.fr
Association régie par la loi 1901 - déclaration N°W691069632 - ISSN: 1969-3109
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