The provisional detailed 2025 congress program in Skoura
Friday, homeopathy of plants and animals
- Camilla Sherr, Abdelaziz Yaacoubi, representatives of Africa, Eric Zins, agronomists homeopathic The promise for the future;
- Patrice Rouchossé, veterinarian homéo, "Homeopathy is more than a medicine, it’s a world story", How do homeopathic remedies tell our common history?
- Didier Notre Dame, homéo veterinarian. The Cat and Arsenic, 2 clinical cases .
- Machour Marzac, Moroccan homeopath, the homeopath in a apiary.
Saturday, human homeopathy
- Mouhamed Rafeeque, India, representing Asia – Homeopathic clinical practice advice and the practice of homeopathy in India –
- Ghislaine Ghallab, ophthalmologist homeopath Homeopathy in Morocco;
- William Suerinck, Homeo Psychiatrist Place homeopathy in an integrative approach to the elderly;
- Jeremy Sherr, homeopath Krypton and Organon In the healthy continuum of life..."
Sunday, research and perspectives in homeopathy
- Michel Van Wassenhoven, director of the research group Dynhom, representing Europe - The homeopathic medicine: from the Mother Tincture to
the Morphogenic water!
- Sylvie de Sigalony, homeopathic midwife, clinical case;
- Jean Lacombe, Homeopath Canada, representing America – and Navneet Bidani, Homeopath. India The promises of treatment of autism in homeopathy.
- Rémi Hospitel, homéopath, France, clinical cases illustrating the Scholten method.
A round table, bringing together the speakers ; will close each day
Moderator : Fréderic Rérolle
Delegates: we hope to have 150 to 200 delegates, some of whom will come with their families and extend their stay for sightseeing. They will be accommodated in the different guest houses
of Skoura.