
The provisional detailed 2025 congress program in Skoura

Friday, homeopathy of plants and animals

Saturday, human homeopathy

Sunday, research and perspectives in homeopathy

A round table, bringing together the speakers ; will close each day

Moderator : Fréderic Rérolle

Delegates: we hope to have 150 to 200 delegates, some of whom will come with their families and extend their stay for sightseeing. They will be accommodated in the different guest houses of Skoura.


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Association pour la Promotion de la Médecine Homéopathique
80 rue Inkerman 69006 Lyon - Tel : 06 89 28 33 20 - courriel : apmh.asso@orange.fr
Association régie par la loi 1901 - déclaration N°W691069632 - ISSN: 1969-3109
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